
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

  1     2          3    4    5      
6          7               
 8                    9    
 11                12        
13               14          
 15        16         17     18      
    19             20        


2. Supporting cells of nervous system (9)
6. Direction towards the head end (7)
7. Fibrous joint between the vomer and the rostrum of the sphenoid (12)
8. Commonest type of neurons based on number of processes (10)
10. International publication containing anatomical terms (6,9)
11. Latin equivalent of the Greek word 'anatome' (10)
12. This ramus of a spinal nerve never supplies the limbs (6)
13. A pre-capillary communication between blood vessels (11)
14. A bone developing in a tendon (8)
15. Crossing-over takes place in this stage of Prophase I
17. The fibrous, non-contractile part of a muscle (6)
20. Type of connective tissue cells with the property of metachromasia (4)
21. Evolutionary history of an organism (9)
22. Resistance vessel (9)
23. Type of epiphysis which occurs at weight-bearing sites (8)
24. Cell organelle responsible for spindle formation during cell division (9)
25. Type of muscle that stablizes the proximal joint to facilitate movements at the distal joint (7)


1. Non-sulphated glycosaminoglycan present in the ground substance of connective tissues (10,4)
3. Movement away from the median plane (9)
4. This anatomist of the ancient era was called "Prince of Physicians"
5. Blood vessels supplying a blood vessel (4,7)
9. Movement of a semiflexed forearm causing the palm to face downwards (9)
16. A nerve carrying impulses from the central nervous system to the peripheral structures (8)
18. Other name for macula adherens (9)
19. Type of cartilage present at areas with vibratory functions (7)