Anatomy Crossword


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          1        2      
6       7    8               
    13    14                
17    18                    


1. One of the dizygotic twins with blood cells of two genotypes i.e. erythrocyte mosaicism (7)
3. Alternative form of a gene found at the same locus on homologous chromosome (6)
4. A muscle that stabilizes the proximal joints to allow movements at the distal joints is called ........ (7)
6. This layer is very prominent in a muscular artery (acronym) (3)
9. Subluxation of head of radius is commonly called by this name (6,5)
10. Type III collagen is called as .........(9)
12. This movement is not possible at the MP joint of the middle finger (9)
14. Comb-shaped muscle having dual nerve supply (9)
16. The phrase 'Beef to Heel' is used to describe this muscle (6,8,6)
18. Solid joints (12)
19. Term depicting complete life cycle of an organism (8)


2. Programmed cell death (9)
3. Lining of the cavity between the trophoblast and the epiblast of the bilaminar germ disc (6)
5. The third trochanter (7,9)
7. Sesamoid bone in the lateral head of gastrocnemius (7)
8. Same side (11)
11. Other name for macula adherens (9)
13. Grip of hand that doesn't require the thumb (4)
15. Fracture of lower end of radius (eponym) (6)
17. Hypothesis that mentions the inactivation of one X chromosome in cells of a female (4)