
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

1           2               
4           5               
   7   8                   9   
10               11           
 12               13          
  15    16                    
              18     19       


1. This structure is present in cilia, flagella and centrioles (11)
4. Neurotransmitter in the cerebral cortex with inhibitory function (acronym) (4)
5. Scavenger cells of the central nervous system (9)
6. Type of neurons present in the dorsal root ganglia (13)
7. One of the cells of epidermis (12)
10. Smooth muscles in the skin (8,4)
11. Type of muscles in which the fibres are placed oblique to the line of pull (7)
12. Cells of connective tissue present in abundance (11)
13. Type of epiphysis produced by pull of muscles (8)
16. Lining epithelium of body cavities is called as .......... (11)
18. Father of Genetics (6)
20. Connective tissue covering the bone (10)
21. Alternative name for hinge joint (9)
22. This type of cartilage is present only in the embryonic life in humans (8)
23. A closed sac lined by epithelium secreting lubricating fluid (5)
24. Example of holocrine gland (9)


2. Glycoprotein of the basement membrane (7)
3. Veins are also called ...........vessels (11)
4. Collections of cell bodies of neurons outside the CNS (7)
8. Uncoiled segments of chromosomes (11)
9. Terminal ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system (7,7)
14. Projections from the apical aspect of epithelial cells that help in absorption (10)
15. Bone cell that helps in bone resorption (10)
17. Reformer of Anatomy (8)
19. This part of skin is an example of dense irregular connective tissue (6)