Anatomy Crossword

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  1                 2      3      
 4               5     6    7        
 11                    12        
  13                        14   
18                   19          
  20                 21          
  22             23             24   
  26                   27        


1. Outer cell mass (11)
2. This type of bone cannot regenerate after injury (8)
4. These cells are used for karyotyping
7. Type of anastomosis in which the cut vessel spurts from both ends
8. Old name for flexor accesorius muscle (9,7)
9. Muscle responsible for ball valve mechanism of the inguinal canal (9)
10. Glands lie in the submucosa of this part of the alimentary system (10)
11. Obliterated left umbilical vein (10,5)
13. In surgery pertaining to the stomach, this blood vessel is a visible guide to identify the pylorus (10,4)
15. This bone violates the law of ossification (6)
16. Sacrococcygeal teratoma occurs due to persistence of this embryological structure (9,6)
18. Lesser sac (7,5)
19. These ligaments of the uterus impart lateral stability to the cervix (8)
20. X-chromosome belongs to this type (14)
21. This type of cartilage is present in the trachea (7)
22. Seperate lateral tubercle of talus (2,8)
23. This anastomosis supplies blood to the head of femur (12)
25. Saphenous opening (5,6)
26. The muscle that flexes the hip joint and flexes the knee joint (9)
27. Melanocytes are present in this stratum of the epidermis (6)


1. This part of the urinary bladder develops from the mesonephric duct (7)
3. The end of the shaft of a bone in contact with the epiphyseal plate of cartilage (10)
5. Multipennate muscle of the leg (6)
6. The electron transport chain is present in these cell organelles (12)
8. This lobe of the liver lies between the ligamentum teres and the gall bladder
12. Presemimembranosus muscle of the lower vertebrates (8,6)
13. Fibular collateral ligament represents the degenerated part of this muscle (8,6)
14. Supporting cells of the testis are cells of ......... (eponym) (7)
17. This part of the developing embryo forms the gut (4,3)
24. Progeny of asexual fertilization (5)