
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.

  1           2           3        
5          6                  7    
  11                       12     
   13                     14      
15         16                     
  17                     18       


1. Left atrioventricular valve (6)
2. Condition due to congenital absence of nerve cells in the lower end of the oesophagus (9,6)
4. Clinical condition affecting the heart due to incomplete or spasmodic obstruction of the coronary arteries (6,8)
5. Chief content of the middle mediastinum (5)
6. Septomarginal trabecula of the right ventricle (9,4)
8. This sinus of pericardium lies posterior to the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk (10)
9. An elevation on the right side of the interatrial septum produced by the right posterior aortic sinus (5,8)
11. This vessel lies in the posterior interventricular groove (6,7,4)
12. This vessel contributes to the right border of the heart in a plain skiagram of chest (acronym) (3)
13. This vessel lies in the anterior interventricular groove (5,7,4)
15. This lymphoid organ lies in the superior mediastinum (6)
16. Muscular ridges found in the right atrium (7,9)
17. Right posterior aortic sinus (11,5)
18. Pneumo-gastric nerve of olden days (5)
19. Arch of aorta forms this structure in a plain skiagram of chest (6,7)
20. Unpaired vessel which drains into the superior venacava (6,4)
21. The meeting point of the atrioventricular, interatrial and posterior interventricular grooves (4)
22. Fluid accumulation in the pericardial cavity leads to this condition where the diastolic capacity of the heart decreases (7,9)
23. Remnant of ductus arteriosus (10, 10)


1. Interpleural space or septum (11)
3. Endothelium covered collgenous threads that prevent turning of the A-V valve leaflets towards the atria (7, 9)
7. Septum primum forms this structure in the smooth part of the right atrium (5,6)
10. This structure of the embryo forms fibrous pericardium (6, 11)
14. Visceral pericardium (10)
15. Largest lymphatic vessel (8,4)